Takut ke Tak? (2020) is an hour and 20 minutes of our lives we'll never get back.


Takut ke Tak fails to command our attention even before the half hour mark (Image courtesy of Finas)

Watching Takut ke Tak is like a slow and painful spiral into boredom. It's a winding descent into mind-numbing disinterest, bordering on thoughts of a quick and painless death.

Takut ke Tak fails to entertain, humor or even capture our attention long enough to be even considered a movie, much less a good movie. Takut ke Tak was to us, a mindless, droning educational documentary on what not to do when making a film, writing a script, editing scenes or even setting foot onto a set.

Our mind was so bored with the pace, plot, scenes, acting and music that it sought to entertain itself by providing a running commentary throughout the hour and twenty minutes. 

Before the end of the movie, we prayed for death. A quick, easy, no-frills death, just so we could pry our eyes away from the monstrosity that was greenlit and funded and made into a movie. 

We begged to be released from this mortal coil so that we wouldn't be tethered to the responsibility of sitting through this entire movie and reviewing it. 

Yet death whispered nothing in return and so we ended up having to review this sad, morose, poor excuse for a horror movie anyway, so here it is.

Takut ke Tak tells the story of five university classmates in their final year of film studies. These five friends, Amir (Nabil Aqil), Yang Guo (Fabian Loo), Linda (Ika Nabila), Sivar (Arwind Kumar) and Abbas (Han Zalini) intend to produce an authentic horror movie for their final year assignment, without the typical clichés and cheap scares. Amir, the director, settles on an old house and as they begin shooting their first scenes, the team gets trapped in the house by the spirits within. 

Funny how the premise of their project; to avoid horror clichés and cheap scares, is exactly how Takut ke Tak progressed. It was full of cheap jump scares, horrible editing, atrocious effects, disgusting script writing and bad music. 

There was even a scene where they accepted food from a mysterious lady in the house. I mean, weh, dia duduk rumah tu lama gila, tak jumpa jalan keluar, Dia dapat bahan masak dari mana, siot? Kau pulak main bedal je. Ada akal, kata tak nak buat horror movie klise, tapi kau masukkan scene macam tu? Tolonglah~

Takut ke Tak plays like a spoof horror movie like Scary Movie (2001) and A Haunted House (2014) but without the comedic timing, budget or talent. 

The start of the movie wasn't too bad, though they could've fixed the color palette, but as the movie progressed, it slowly became unwatchable. 

Their comedic relief came in the form of Abbas and Sivar. Although we didn't have any issues with Sivar, Abbas' acting and quirk was extremely unnecessary. How it was approved was completely beyond us. 

The movie was so terrible that the twist ending just fell flat as we were already brain dead by the one hour mark. 

There was absolutely nothing good about this movie that we can talk about and Asian Does Horror will not be giving a rating for this movie. Muzzamer Rahman can take a long walk off a short pier and take up fishing instead of filmmaking. 



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