44 Hari Bangkitnya Poh Kong: A typically forgettable Astro Citra movie

(Image courtesy of Media Hiburan)

This will be a relatively short review since there's nothing really interesting about it and we assume that the project was greenlit to financially benefit someone higher up, but don't quote us on that. Although, we constantly question who could possibly stand to benefit from low-quality, rushed, sub-par ideas released on pay-per-view. *Wink wink* 

44 Hari Bangkitnya Pocong is a typical Astro Citra movie, meaning, it's low budget, terribly written and if we're being honest, entirely half-assed. 

44 Hari (title's too long for me to want to type it out, so screw it. We're calling it 44 Hari) stars Riezman Khuzaimi, Kodi Rasheed, Anne Abdullah, Raja Shahiran and Ellie Suriaty who plays Maimon (or however it's spelled), a wife and mother who dies one day and who's spirit begins haunting the village residents. 

The story is pretty standard. Maimon dies. Her son returns from Singapore to visit the wake of her mother when suddenly Maimon's corpse starts sitting up. Thereafter, she continues haunting everyone in the village including her son and husband. Now, it's a race against time for her son, Aizat, to figure out why she's doing that (thought not as fast paced or exciting as we make it sound). 

As the movie continues, it's slowly revealed that Maimon, while she was alive, was a complete douchesnozzle to her sisters and most people in her village. Because of that, she's seeking people to either haunt for revenge or ask for forgiveness. 

In life, Maimon worshipped Satan (or whatever the fuck) and dabbled in the black arts. It's a very Islamic-centric movie with a cautionary tale of not worshipping Satan or practicing black magic (no shit, fucker) and has a lot of Islamic elements. 

Is this a good movie? If you're fucking stoned on marijuana and just want to ride the high and slowly melt into your couch, then sure. The editing was fine, acting was ok, but to be honest, we're pretty tired of these half-assed movies appearing on Astro Citra. So watch it, don't watch it, we don't really give a shit. 

All in all, Asian Does Horror gives this typical Astro Citra movie ðŸ‘» ghost emoji out of five. Goddamn, Astro. At least fucking try. 


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