Miimaland is trash and no amount of Sophia Albarakbah could make it watchable


Good casting, but poorly written, directed and produced (Image courtesy of IMDB)

First of all, before we go into the review for this movie, we just wanted to say, "What the actual fuck?" Did the studio hire a director straight out of college that came with a camera stuck to his dick and all he did was swing it around hoping it would capture some nice scenes? like what the fuck? We got fucking motion sickness watching this shit. I fucking got constipated sitting through this bullshit. 

Miimaland stars Fattah Amin, Sophia Albarakbah, Camelia Natasya, Hazzy Alzeeq & Zalif Sidek and was directed by Nevin Hiong. We assume his father financed the entire production because how the hell can you hire someone to shoot a movie like this unless they were the paymaster? 

And don't get me started on the writing or the post-production, because that shit was nasty. I'm surprised none of the actors got cancer after reading the script. Also, I hope there wasn't a premier and the recent Covid-19 pandemic put an end to any discussions of one. If there was one thing I could be grateful to Covid-19 for, it would be that there was no premier for Miimaland. 

Yes, I too am dramatically frustrated by this movie (image courtesy of Youtube)

The movie revolves around Fattah Amin and his production company that recently received a project to go to Miimaland, an abandoned amusement park in Malaysia that's famous for being haunted and shoot a reality TV show. 

On the day of the shoot, Fattah Amin finds out that his wife and host of his show is pregnant, but they decide to continue with the shoot anyway. After they arrive at the location, Fattah Amin and his team (wife included) meet up with a secondary team of talents comprising of one fucking annoying and unnecessary translator and two korean girls that are cast in this movie purely for eye candy and serve absolutely zero purpose for the story. 

They're then given several tasks to complete by their financier and promised additional monetary rewards if they complete all of them. 

There are two storylines in this movie:
1. Fattah Amin and his crew
2. Elize, Fattah Amin's wife and her experiences

"Let's end the shoot and leave with our dignities" (Image courtesy of farhanajafri.com)

The first storyline follows Fattah Amin and his crew trying to complete the tasks provided to them while at the same time shoot the show. Along the way, they encounter supernatural disturbances and mysterious events but manage to leave Miimaland, only to come back the following day. We're not really sure about the leaving and coming back part since the editing was absolutely shitty.

Elize's storyline on the other hand is a bit more complicated. Turns out she's clairvoyant or something and gets lured to help out a spirit look for her missing daughter. A lot of psychedelic stuff goes down with a conveniently written twist at the end. 

The only pros for this movie is that the actors were pretty well cast and their acting was good. It could've been great, but there's only so much talent you can squeeze out when provided with a shit-stained piece of paper they called a script. 

The cons however are numerous. The overall directing was horrible and the post-production editing to piece the scenes together must've been done while the post team was high or on life support after shitting themselves stupid from making this movie. The script was adolescent at best and the quality was goddamn awful. Nothing good came out of this movie and we advise whoever owns the reels to just burn it. Burn it to hell!

Also, they didn't give Farah Ahmad the respect she deserves. Her role was small and her lines were limited. To put someone of her acting caliber in such a small role was disrespectful. 

"We'll never be able to work again after this, will we?" (image courtesy of Cinema Online)

All in all, Asian Does Horror gives Miimaland 👻 one single, lonely, extremely disappointing ghost emoji out of five. 


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